Quickbooks Error 6147 0: Repair 6000 Series Errors Easily (6 Detailed Solutions)


Are you unable to access the company file?? Cannot open the backup file?? All such problems fall under the domain of Quickbooks error 6147. This error exists when the user cannot open a company file or backup file. This generally occurs because of the corrupted or damaged company file. In this article, we will help you in removing the Quickbooks error code 6147 0 with the detailed solutions. Without taking much time, let us hop onto our topic for the day.

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QuickBooks Error -6147: Brief Description

The Quickbooks Error 6147 cannot open a company file or backup file. This indicates the corruption of the QBs company files. This error can also prevail when the user is restoring a QBs company backup file from a network drive.

Error QuickBooks 6147 0: Reasons & Causes For Existence

There can be many causes for the existence of this QBs error in your system. They are:

  • Existence of a corrupted QuickBooks file and Windows registry-related files.
  • When the user tries to restore the company backup file from the network drive.
  • In case the QBs company file name is more than the character limit i.e. 210 characters.
  • Pirated & incomplete Quickbooks download.
  • Improper installation of the software Quickbooks.
  • Lost, missing or deleted QuickBooks-associated files.

QuickBooks Error Code 6147: Early Detection

For early detection of this error, read below.

  • The Windows Operating System shuts down and shows slow response.
  • The desktop screen can be read with the text error as 6147 0.
  • You cannot access the Quickbooks program.
  • Input devices commands & functions become slow.

Quicbooks Error Code 6147 0: 6 Methods To Repair

There are 6 ways to troubleshoot this error, you just need to pick the best solution as per your situation. Learn more below.

Method 1: Rebuild Data

  • Firstly, access the Quickbooks desktop program & click on the File menu.
  • Now, select the option of Utilities.
  • Moving further, select the option named Rebuild data.
  • If you get an option for instant backup of the company file data, hit OK.
  • If you get the Quickbooks not responding message coming on your desktop screen, hit OK.

Method 2: Trend Micro Active Scan 

  • Firstly, open the company file with problems along with holding the Ctrl key on your keyboard.
  • Open the software QBs without accessing any company file.
  • Under the window of No company open, select the company file now.
  • You have to make sure that your company file is on top.

Method 3: .ADR File Rename As a QB Working File  

  • The first step is to select the folder containing your company file.
  • Further, you have to look out for the Quickbooks.ADR file.
  • After the Quickbooks.ADR file access, you will see an option of Recent adr files
  • Moving further with a right-click on the option Recent .adr files and click on the option Rename.
  • At last, you can now rename and customize the file extension from .adr to .qbw. 

Method 4: QuickBooks Doctor File Tool   

  • Firstly, visit the QuickBooks website & you need to look for the Quickbooks File Doctor download.
  • After downloading the exe file, you need to open the installation wizard by tapping on the qbfd.exe file.
  • Follow the installer wizard instructions and accept the license agreement, and at last, hit on the option Finish.    
  • Moving further, open the QuickBooks file repair tool and select the company file with errors and start repairing it. 
  • Finally, you need to restart the system & check for the ongoing prevalence of the error. 

Or You can run Quickbooks file doctor in the company file issue section inside Quickbooks tool hub.

Method 5: Save the File Backup Copy to Another System

  • Firstly, just make sure that your system is not being hosted.
  • Further, access the Quickbooks desktop program & click on the File menu.
  • Now, select the option of Utilities.
  • Use the option Stop hosting multi-user access and hit Yes.
  • Moving on, the company file window needs to be closed and tap on yes.
  • Lastly, restore a backup file present on the system & check whether this error is still prevailing or not.

Method 6: Trend Micro antivirus

  • Firstly, you need to download & install the Trend Micro antivirus.
  • Open the installed antivirus and go to the settings.
  • Next, use the option named Ignore path.
  • You have to ignore the company file folder.
  • Further, open the software Quickbooks Desktop along with holding the Ctrl keys on your keyboard.
  • Quickbooks will open up without any company files.
  • Lastly, tap on the F2 key. This will display all the product details along with the path of the company file folder.

Last Words

This article is a comprehensive guide for all the users looking to counter QuickBooks error 6147 from their system. From learning the basics to the detailed solutions, you will be a QuickBooks pro and easily eliminate all such 6000 series errors from your system. We hope you admire our efforts and are no longer facing any such QuickBooks error-related issues.    


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