ARI Certifications and AC Management or Maintenance


Maintaining an AC is not an easy job especially if you are aware of the technology and the technique. Using the Blue Star ACs in the right way can help you increase the lifespan of the machine. There are different brands of AC that offer a variety of features. It is important for you to know and understand different parts of the AC because it helps you manage the machine in an easy way.

How can I verify that my equipment has been certified by ARI?

Equipment that has been certified by the manufacturer to ARI to be accurately rated is subjected to ARI verification testing. The equipment is usually identified by the ARI certification seal placed on the equipment’s outdoor unit or in the operating instructions. Ask your contractor to provide the seal or contact ARI. Ask your contractor for the appropriate ARI product directory listing the units that you are interested in. Next, have your contractor discuss the ratings with you.

Is it possible to reduce or eliminate radon and other “sick buildings” issues with my heating or cooling system?

Radon is a gas that is emitted primarily from soil and rocks. It can be detected by inexpensive monitors, which are increasingly becoming more accessible to the public. Research is ongoing to determine how to reduce radon in indoor buildings, both commercial and residential. Most conventional heating and cooling systems for homes have very little effect on radon.

A building with high levels of pollutants is called a “sick building”. These pollutants can include cigarette smoke, chemical emanations from furniture and building construction materials, and biological contaminants like fungi and molds. These pollutants can be found in many places, including carpeting, air conditioning drain pans, damaged ceiling tiles, and dishwashers.

Commercial buildings are reputed to be the most affected. Proper ventilation and cleanliness are important considerations. You should consult a contractor if you suspect you might have a problem.

Contact your local American Lung Association state radiation prevention office or the Environmental Protection Agency regional office for more information on radon and sick buildings.

Is there a relationship between my home’s air-conditioning system, the chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), refrigerants, and the ozone layer.

A protocol international restricts the future global production and consumption fully halogenated CFCs 11, 12,113 and 114.

HCFC-22 is the name of almost all refrigerants used in central air-conditioning systems. It has a small ozone-depletion potency, but less than CFCs. This is because HCFC-22 quickly breaks down in the lower atmosphere and doesn’t reach the ozone layer at higher altitudes.

HCFC-22 will be phased off production by 2010 for new equipment and 2020 for servicing existing equipment. This refrigerant will no longer be available for servicing equipment after its elimination. Manufacturers are now producing units that use other refrigerants. These units can be enjoyed by consumers while helping to protect the environment. Here are some guidelines for consumers:

AC Maintenance

As long as the system is properly maintained, a central air conditioner is considered a closed system. It will not let refrigerant escape into the atmosphere. A service technician should inspect your system once a year prior to the cooling season. Check for refrigerant leaks with the technician.

Intentional venting of refrigerant after July 1, 1992 is prohibited. All refrigerants must be removed from units.

Only choose service providers that are skilled in refrigerant recovery, recycling, and have the equipment necessary to do so.


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