How To Become A Graphic Designer Without Experience

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Graphic designing is one of the most trending jobs in the modern era today; it seems that everywhere you go, you come across a graphic designer. So, what if you want to apply for a graphic designing job too but do not have much experience? Don’t worry, here’s what you can do. Start by checking out these tips on how to become a graphic designer without experience.

#1 Gather Information from Everywhere:

When it comes to learning, whether it is learning graphic design or just about anything else for that matter, it is best to gain as much knowledge about it as you can. The same is the case with learning graphic design. Graphic design is no rare skill, so you can probably find more information, which you had initially been looking for from several different sources. So, do not hesitate and gather information from every direction that provides it. Do not hesitate to ask questions; the more you know about it, the quicker you will be able to polish your design skills and go pro.

#2 Teach Yourself with The Internet:

This is the advanced new era, there is next to nothing that you will not find on the internet. In the modern age of today, where the internet rules over everything, it is more than likely that you will be able to find the right tips to teach you graphic designing too. If you have some time to yourself and want to keep your bank account safe, well, do not worry, you don’t have to. You do not necessarily have to enrol yourself in graphic design classes to learn the skill. There are several other tips and guide on the internet that will tell you everything you need to know about graphic design so that you can build up yourself up from the very starting.

#3 Get Online Courses:

As has been mentioned above, the internet will find everything that you need, even tips on learning graphic design. However, if you feel that this is not working well enough for you and you need a proper mentor to take you through graphic design step by step, you can always enrol yourself in design classes. If you are short on time and want to gain graphic design skills as quickly as possible, online classes are the way to go. That way, you do not have to take extra time to go out and learn graphic design skills from the comfort of your home.

#4 Get Live Courses:

Well, this is also as good of an option as online courses. For some people, online classes do not work as best as live classes do. That way, they have the mentor or the teacher right by their side if they need help in anything. The teacher can guide them with physical examples too. In these classes, you can take your time to learn the skill to your best extent and successfully walk down the path to becoming an excellent graphic designer. Due to its extreme popularity, you will find many institutes offering graphic design courses.

#5 Follow the Tutorials:

In the fast-paced, modern, and digitized world, you can teach yourself many things with the help of the internet. But wait, is the question of “another class” bothering you? Well, you do not have to worry about that since classes are not in the subject right now. Instead, another more convenient option that you can use to teach yourself graphic design is to simply follow the tutorials. Many graphic designers are generous enough to post videos of tutorials online that will take you through learning graphic design step by step. This way, you can target the areas in which you are weak or want to specialize in, and boost your ability with the help of the tutorials. 

#6 Ask A Friend:

If you look around, the probability is that you might find an already learned graphic designer close to you. Who knows, they might even be in your closer circles like your friends or your cousins or even your neighbour. If you do not already know a graphic designer, you can always get to know one. Take the time to talk about it with them, talk about their skill and their experience in terms of graphic designing, and take notes. Gather as many tips as they give you, and keep an eye out for any special advice that they might give you. If you are practising graphic design and are stuck on a particular issue, you can always ask them to help you out with it or to guide you.

#7 Read Up About It:

Nothing gives you better information about anything than reading about it (followed by actually practising it, of course). However, before you get into the practical part of anything, you must know the theory properly, so that you know what steps to take when it comes down to getting practical. Similarly, you can learn the starter tips for graphic design by reading about it. Without a doubt, there is more than enough material that you need to read about graphic design. If reading on the internet is not your preferred method of understanding and learning, don’t you worry, you can always rely on books. 

#8 Volunteer for Design Work:

While reading may tell you almost all that you need to know about learning a skill, there is only too far you can go with just learning and reading. To know whether you have retained any knowledge and have actually learned what you have been reading about, you must put it into practice. This will tell you how much you have learned, and if you have, how far have you come and how long do you have to go further until you can call your skill your expertise. Since you don’t have enough experience yet to get hired professionally by a company, one thing that you can count on is volunteer work. With volunteer work, not only will you be able to fine-tune your skill but also bag some experience on the way.

#9 Know Your Idols:

When you are really passionate about something, it is common to have an idol in the field. The same is the case for graphic design. Know what your idols do, what brought them their expertise, and what is it that they do to keep them on top of their game. Follow their footsteps, there is a reason why they are an expert in their field and have reached the point of being considered an idol. Carefully look at what they do, and try to follow the same steps to learn the skill. Don’t hesitate to add your own touch while you are developing the skill, to add a creative touch of originality. After all, creativity is what graphic designing is all about.

#10 Find What It Takes:

What does it take to be a successful and skilled graphic designer in this modern and rapidly growing era of competition? Is it reading? Is it practising? Volunteer work? Find out what it takes and give it your all. As everybody knows, you can’t pursue your passion without that fire burning inside of you. So, if you want to achieve your goal of becoming a graphic designer without experience, you must have exceptional skills to replace the lack of experience. To gain that exceptional skill, you must dedicate yourself to it fully, so that you have an excellent offer to present when you go to apply as a graphic designer in a company.

#11 Have A Promising Portfolio:

One thing that is undeniably important when you go to any company to apply for the position of a graphic designer is to have a strong portfolio. Whether you are inexperienced or have a handful of years of experience, having a portfolio is necessary if you want the company to know what you can offer to them. This is especially important for those who are applying as newbies or without any previous experience. If you do not have the experience to back you up, make sure you have a promising portfolio to compel them. As you know, a good portfolio can only be built up through practice and dedication.

#12 Go Freelance:

This is the modern world; freelancing is the hot new thing. If you have not joined a company yet to officially start working as a graphic designer, freelancing will always provide you with a road to walk down if you want to work as a graphic designer officially. So, stay in touch with your skills and be your own boss.

Now you are all set with this guide on how to become a graphic designer without experience, so don’t let anything get in the way of your goals!


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